Hello, we would like to thank you first for standing in this virtual space of the Municipal Social Welfare area, an instrument that we hope will solve some of your doubts in relation to our department.
In this page we try to dump the maximum information that allows the current development of the municipal virtual system, something that little by little we hope will improve until this website becomes the reference for the management of municipal resources for welfare policies, presided by the concept of proximity and quality as our whole welfare policy.
We are aware that much of our work requires personal contact, direct consultation between the people who use the services and the professionals who provide them, so that no in-person system can substitute this human contact. But there is a lot of information that we put at your disposal through this website to facilitate things as much as possible.
Without further ado, I send you a cordial greeting.
Tino Cordal.
Councilor of Social Services, Health and Senior Citizens of the City of Cambados.
We are a multidisciplinary team that every day we work in the service of Cambodian citizenship to achieve quality Social Services, taking into account the technical complexity of each of the issues that are dealt with in our department; from here our commitment to improve.
- Address: Rúa Ourense nº8, third floor
- Tel: (information and previous appointment): 986 52 05 10
- Email: sscambados@cambados.es
- Hours of service to the public: luns, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
They have a local, open and multipurpose character and constitute the normal channel of access to the social services system with which the universality of the system and its proximity to users, families and the community are guaranteed.
They are developed from the centers of social services of polyvalent character, through interdisciplinary teams and / or specialized personnel.
Normative of reference: decree 99/2012, of 16 of March, by which the community social services are regulated (DOG nº 63 of 03/30/2012).
Nature, requirements, functions, programs and services of basic community services: arts. 6, 7 8 e 9 of decree 99/2012, of March 16.
People and families residing in the municipality of Cambados.
Material resources:
Two UTAS (municipal social assistance units) divided by service areas.
- Separate spaces that allow privacy in the interviews and meetings necessary for individualized social intervention.
- Spaces for group meetings.
- Attention adapted for people with reduced mobility.
- Telephone and internet connection.
- Means and devices for the archiving and custody of the files in accordance with the confidentiality requirements of the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data.
Human Resources:
- A director and coordinator of the department (social worker): Maria Casal.
- A social worker (two UTAS: social work units divided by zones): Begoña Sobrido.
- A family educator: Paula Villarejo.
- An administrative assistant: Fernando Betanzos.
Administrative unit:
This is the starting point of our department, here begins the first contact of the citizenship with us, is where the reception and channeling of the people who access our center takes place, and they are given the information about the operation of the service and resources that we offer as well as the corresponding appointments with the corresponding technical unit depending on the area where they live or the issue to be treated. They can also request a phone appointment.
Technical units:
Once the cases are derived to the corresponding unit of social work so that the reference professionals work with them in order to be able to evaluate, advise, and intervene in the offer and processing of the most appropriate resources, with the intention of carrying out a comprehensive and quality care, we expose the main programs within the scope of the SS.SS. Community:
- Program of assessment, guidance and information in social matters
- Support program for the coexistence unit
- Social insertion programs
- Senior programs
- Dependency / disability
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